Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an
Educational Health Care Plan?
An EHC Plan replaced Statements of SEN and Learning Difficulty Assessments in April 2018. The plan is a legal document describing a young person’s needs, the provision to meet those needs and the suitable educational placement. Government has stated that the plan must be person centred, focusing on the needs and aspirations of the child. EHC Plans will continue into further education and training, and for some young people up to the age of 25. It is vital that young people and their parents and carers will be central to the development of these plans.
What is the
local offer?
It is a requirement for the local authority to publish information about what provision it expects will be available for children and young people with SEND aged 0 – 25 years, both within and outside their local area. The Local Offer must include information about Education, health and care provision for children and young people with SEND (which should include information about its quality and the destinations/outcomes achieved by those who use it). Arrangements for identifying and assessing children and young people’s SEND, including arrangements for requesting an EHC needs assessment. Other education provision (educational provision outside of schools or colleges such as sports or arts provision. Training provision, including Apprenticeships. Arrangements for travel to and from schools, post-16 institutions and early years providers. Support to help children and young people in moving between phases of education (for example from early years to school, from primary to secondary) and to prepare for adulthood. Sources of information, advice and support in the local authority’s area relating to SEND including information provided under clause 32 of the Children and Families Bill, forums for parents and carers, support groups, childcare and leisure activities. Arrangements for making complaints, for the resolution of disagreements, mediation and parents’ and young people’s right to appeal a decision of the local authority to the tribunal. The Code of Practice says local authorities must involve children in planning decisions about what services for young people with SEND are needed. This includes planning the content of the Local Offer, deciding how to publish the offer and providing feedback on the services contained in the Local Offer.
What is a Working Document?
A working document is a copy of the final statement, on which both parties have worked to show the changes to the wording that they want or can agree, as well as those issues which the Tribunal must decide on the day of the final hearing. Usually because the LA has prepared the final EHCP electronically, they prepare version one. They then send it to us to make any amendments and return it back to the LA as version two.
What do SEND abbreviations
There are lots of abbreviations - we've attemped to put lots within this document, but its not an exhaustive list.
Welcome to Support for SEND
Your Partner in SEND Support
Support for SEND (formally Solihull SEND Consultancy) is managed by Helen Ingham. The company was set up as Solihull SEND Consultancy in October 2016 to try and make a difference to families in Solihull that were finding it more and more difficult to access the ever dwindling free services available to them.
We currently support families across the UK and LA's include:
Solihull, Birmingham, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Coventry, Dudley, Barking & Dagenham, Bedfordshire, Herefordshire, Sandwell, Peterborough, Nottinghamshire, Lewisham, Brighton & Hove, Kent, Lancashire, London Borough of Hillingdon, London Borough of Redbridge, Norfolk and Bristol.
Many of the families we support trust our services and professionalism and always know that we are only a call away.
Get in touch if you would like support and we can add your LA to our list.

Family Feedback
Start Your EHCP Journey
Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Support for SEND and let us help you navigate your SEND journey. This consultation is an opportunity for us to better understand your struggles and questions, and for you to see how we can support you moving forward. Together, we can find the best way to support your family.