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Annual EHCP


A child/young persons EHCP must be reviewed at least once a year by the LA, however, the responsibility usually falls to the School/College unless your child/young person has an EOTAS (Education Other Than At School)/EOTAC (Education Other Than At College) package or are EHE (Elective Home Education).


This is to ensure it continues to provide the provision the child/young person needs and is a review of the EHCP, rather than a general meeting about the child/young person's progress.


The review looks at the progress made to their outcomes.


If your child is under 5, then the EHCP should be reviewed every 6 months.


The school has to give you at least 2 weeks notice of the AR (Annual Review) and should provide you with forms to be able to give your views as parents towards the AR.


At the AR meeting, people will share their views and any new/additional  professional reports or observations and look at the needs and provision and if there are any recommendations to make any changes to the plan.  This is all recorded on the LA's AR Document and everyone attending or invited to the review, should receive a copy of this before it is sent back to the LA to ensure it is a correct reflection of the review.  Please ensure you check over the paperwork and sign it prior to school sending it to the LA.


Within 2 weeks of the AR taking place, the school/college must send the review document to the LA.


Within 4 weeks of the AR the LA have to decide one of the following and put it in writing:


  1. To maintain the EHCP (keep it the same).

  2. To amend the plan (change it).  This will be sent out as a Notice of Amendments (NOA) and you will have 15 days to agree the changes or make further amendments.

  3. To cease (end) the EHCP.  This can happen if your young person comes to the end of their education.


After an AR, the final EHC Plan must be issued as soon as its practical, and no later than 8 weeks after the decision to change the plan or 12 weeks from the date of the AR meeting.


We can support you before, during and following the AR.  We can support with completing your parent's views and making any amendments to the EHCP prior to the AR.  We would attend the AR with you (AR meeting are supposed to be at least 2 hours) and support with discussions about your child/young persons needs and provision.  This could include provision that you feel isn't being provided by the school/college or provision that you feel your child/young person requires.


If the LA make changes to the EHCP following the AR, we would support in checking the correct amendments have been made as requested through the AR.


As part of the AR, you have the right to request a change of placement if required.


You can also ask for an interim (emergency) AR if the provision and support is not being provided by the school/college and if they are unable to meet your child/young persons needs any longer.


If you are not in agreement to the changes that have been made or disagree that an EHCP should be ceased then you have the right to appeal.


If you feel you don't require our support at an AR, we can just help support you with a NOA check, if required.

Possible next stages:

Payment Options

We accept Debit and Credit cards for one off payments, and we use Go Cardless if you wish to spread the costs*.  Once agreed an invoice will be sent to your email for payment.

*Dependant on which service you are requiring

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Welcome to Support for SEND

Your Partner in SEND Support

Support for SEND (formally Solihull SEND Consultancy) is managed by Helen Ingham.  The company was set up as Solihull SEND Consultancy in October 2016 to try and make a difference to families in Solihull that were finding it more and more difficult to access the ever dwindling free services available to them.


We currently support families across the UK and LA's include:

Solihull, Birmingham, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Coventry, Dudley, Barking & Dagenham, Bedfordshire, Herefordshire, Sandwell, Peterborough, Nottinghamshire, Lewisham, Brighton & Hove, Kent, Lancashire, London Borough of Hillingdon, London Borough of Redbridge, Norfolk and Bristol.


Many of the families we support trust our services and professionalism and always know that we are only a call away.


Get in touch if you would like support and we can add your LA to our list.

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